Theme fusion PS XPERIA 2

by notappss


0.99 usd

Theme for Xperia devices with PlayStation customization.

Theme for Xperia phones with PlayStation customization.This theme is done by improving the previous one. Help with donations are appreciated. THANK YOU!- Navigation bar with the symbols of the PlayStation buttons (the home button would cover O X)- New colors in the menus.- New marshmallow icons, using XMB icons from PlayStation.- Background with XMB waves- Some icons compatible with Lollipop.Theme optimized for Marshmallow.Highly recommended to use Xperia Home BetaHttps:// C4, C5, M5 do not apply navigation bar buttons. You need to update them to android 6 if you want a complete customization.++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++If you like my themes, consider buying some for support me.Visit and give a like to mi website!THANK YOUYOU CAN ORDER YOUR CUSTOM THEMES. Feel free to contact by entering the web or mail me.API update